
Contact Canadian Labour Relations

For answers to your questions, please first check the relevant sections in your province's labour laws, or the Canadian Employment Standards for your province, which are available on this website. These are comprehensive and you would find information relevant to your situation.

Should you require one-on-one help and advice with employee relations problems that you are being faced with, then contact us using the form below.

Handling labour relations problems can be a challenge to deal with, due to the legal requirements governing this field, and impact on employees involved. If left unresolved, issues can escalate, and become even more complex and costly to deal with. Therefore it is highly recommended to get workplace issues resolved as quickly as possible, which would also benefit all the parties involved, and the organization.

How We Can Help

Employment-related and labour relations problems are seldom as simple as they first appear to be.

We are a private, fee-for-service consulting business, not a government agency. However, consultations for specific issues can be done by email, at an affordable cost, per issue.

We can advise employers or employees on labour relations or employment issues.

What to Expect

Within 24 hours of receipt of your payment (through PayPal) for an email consultation, you will be sent a questionnaire to supply more specific details about the problem you're experiencing. After your completed questionnaire is returned to us, you would receive advice about how to handle your situation, based on the appropriate labour laws and employment standards for your province.

If your issues are complex, and/or cover multiple issues, which would require additional consultation services, we will let you know by return email, and provide a no-obligation quote of the cost.

How would you benefit when your problem is resolved?

Don't delay... fill out the form below to contact us. Then you could soon have answers to help you to move forward to a resolution!

Contact CanadianLabourRelations.com

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